Anime Club Fan Art Winner!!
Congratulations Alyssa M!

Come to Anime Club this
Friday, April
2nd @ 3pm and
have your chance of winning
the fan art contest!
We will also watch anime,
eat snacks and
hang out with friends.
Crafty Youth
@ the East Flag Library!

Join us every Thursday to make
a new craft and eat snacks!
Here's what we did this week...

...made characters from felt...

...made headbands...

...made accessories for the Anime cosplay party...

...made flying men...

...and more flying men...

...and hung out with friends!
Anime Club Fan Art Winners!!
Congrats Ayanna and Kiara!

Anime Club will be this Friday,
the 29th, from 3-5pm.

We will be having a Japanese
Tea Ceremony Cosplay Party
having a special screening of Tsubasa!

Teen Book Review

Title: The Milo and Jazz Mysteries
Author: Lewis B. Montgomery

Review By Kaitlyn H.
Age 12

Milo and Jazz are 2 friends that are in training to be detectives. They go on a search to find "Dash Marlowe". The two friends track down clues, stalk out suspects and become famous detectives.
anAnime Club Fan Art Winner is.....
Natasha H.!


Anime Club will continue watching
Black Cat on Friday, March 19
during Spring Break @ 3pm!
Ages 12-18
Anime Club Fan Art Winner!Bring your art to Anime Club on Fridays at 3 and see if your art wins!

Anime Club will be this Friday, March 12 at 3pm.
We will continue watching Black Cat
and eat
food and drinks!

**Remember, soda will be sold for $.50 a can!**
Teen Book Review #4
by Drake B.
Age 13

Title: Naruto 44
Author: Masashi kishimot

When Naruto tries to find out the message of his master Jiraiya. I wonder if Naruto can take down Pein even though he managed to kill one of the great shinobi.

Grade: B+

***If you turn in a book review form to Steffani at the front desk you will get a FREE 45 minute computer session to use whenever you like!***
Teen Book Review #3
by Nidia G.
Age 12

Title: Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew
Author: Carolyn Keene

The River Heights Elementary School is putting on an Earth Day parade, and Nancy's class has a special honor. Nancy likes to solve problems so her Clue Club is her club that she helps out in. Sometime her crew doesn't figure it out so it's her job to figure it out.

Grade: B

***If you turn in a book review form to Steffani at the front desk you will get a FREE 45 minute computer session to use whenever you like!***
Teen Book Review #2
By Kaitlyn H.
Age 12

Title: The Milo and Jazz Mysteries
Author: Lewis B. Montgomery

Milo and Jazz are 2 friends that are in training to be detectives. They go on a search to find "Dash Marlowe". The two friends track down clues, stalk out suspects and become famous detectives.


***If you turn in a book review form to Steffani at the front desk you will get a FREE 45 minute computer session to use whenever you like!***