What should we call our Teen Advisory Board?

Let’s put some thought into this what you want to be called. We’ll vote at the upcoming meeting. Here are some ideas to get you going…

TAB (Teen Advisory Board)

B.R.A.N.C.H. (Branch Readers And Computer Huggers)

S.L.A.C. known as the SLACKERS (Student Leaders Advisory Committee)

B.O.O.Y.A. (Bunch Of Optimistic Youth Advisors)

T.I.L.T. (Teens in Library/Leadership Training)

So which do you like…or maybe you have a better idea? You can post your suggestion online or drop in box in teen room. No decision will be made until the big teen meeting.

PlayStation 2, X-Box...or what?

Guess what? I am THINKING about POSSIBLY getting a PlayStation 2 or some kind of gaming system for the teens in the Branch Library. That way we could have tournaments and stuff like that on certain days. But which brand do you guys think is best...PlayStation 2, X-Box or what??? Let's Blog about what would be best for the Branch Library. Any comments?

Help save RUNESCAPE!

OK, here is our first topic of discussion. RUNESCAPE! I took it off about six weeks ago because it was causing lots of crying, lying and sighing. Teens were stealing passwords, getting in fights about it, lying to me and the staff, some were crying to me and the staff…and the staff was all sighing because it was a big headache.

So now, you guys need to convince me why we need to bring it back. Think about it a bit. Don’t just say, “Because I WANT it!”. What good is Runescape and how can we bring it back so we don’t have the troubles we had before? Post some ideas, and at our first teen Advisory board meeting, we will discuss your input.

You won’t see your post show up immediately as I am going to approve all posts for a while to see how this blog goes. OK, go ahead and convince me to bring Runescape back! The future is in your hands!


Welcome to YOUR blog!

This is Bill, manager of the East Flagstaff Community Library. We're about to start a very cool thing...a Teen Advisory Board. We already have the big "teens only room" that most libraries only dream about, and we have loads of teens showing up every day...now we just need some structure...and some fun.

We've tried running the teen room with rules made by adults. But it sorta feels like school or something, right? So I've been doing some reading about successful teen rooms across the country and found out that it might be better if we found out what YOU GUYS think is important. I want YOU GUYS to help make the rules and I want all of you to help make this teen room.

Watch for an announcement about the date of the first Teen Advisory Board meeting. You are all invited to the first meeting, but after that initial get-together, we'll be taking applications to the board. We'll only have like 20 members, but those members will have lots of perks...like free computer sessions and the power to make decisions, plan events and make the teen room a better place. Who knows, maybe you'll be one of the charter members!

See you later,