Runescape is BAAAAAAAACK!

The Cool Kids Club met last week and decided to bring Runescape back. But we're bringing it back with the understanding that if it causes more trouble, it will be "Bye-bye Runescape FOREVER!" :)
Here are the new Runescape rules we all agreed upon...
Runescape Rules

By logging on to Runescape, you agree that you will abide by the following rules while at the Branch Library:
1.You will not steal other people’s passwords.
2.You will NEVER use anyone else’s computer time to play extra sessions of Runescape. You will only use your own card and any free sessions you may have earned.
3.You realize that if you break these rules, you run the chance of having Runescape permanently BANNED from the Branch Library FOREVER and if you do that, people might not like you anymore.
4.If you are caught breaking any of the above rules, you could lose either computer privileges or possibly even you library card, too.

Any comments?
++++++++ Bill

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